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                                Writer Organizations & Resources - the Internet's largest consortium for information about books, writing, and publishing. 

Writers' Digest - the one-stop shop for information, resources, and writing community. Writers can connect with
other writers in WD's forums, visit the organization's blogs, and sign up for the free newsletter.

The American Society of Newspaper Editors or ASNE is more in the category of writers organization. It lists conferences for journalists and other useful information.  

The Canadian Writers Association bridges the gap between a large national organization with the immediacy of local chapters.  

The European Federation of Freelance Writers is open to freelance journalists, feature writers and authors throughout Europe. They offer a variety of services including an insurance policy.  

The HWA or Horror Writers Association is a good place for those interested in that genre to check out. They are the presenter of the Bram Stoker Awards and have a variety of benefits for members.  

The International Women's Writing Guild describes itself as being 'a network for the personal and professional empowerment of women through writing'  

The National Association of Science Writers is a potential resource to those engaged in writing about science as fact. They also have a list of local chapters with local meetings.  

National Writers Association is a nation wide organization with chapters as diverse as Hawaii to New York. They have a range of services available and have been in operation since 1937.  

The National Writers Union is the trade union for all freelance writers who publish or work in U.S. markets

The Pittsburgh Worldwrights is another small writers group on the web.  .  

The Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America, Inc. is a vital resource as an organization and equally good resource as a homepage. Among its many other resources including style guides and other resources there is the Warnings and Cautions for Writers.  

Romance Writers of America - a nonprofit trade association, with a membership of more than 10,000 writers and
related industry professionals, whose mission is to advance the professional interests of career-focused romance
writers through networking and advocacy.

The Writers Guild of America is a tremendous resource site whether or not you are a member. Membership has requirements for admission and a rather large membership fee. However, this site is worth looking at for its own sake